Characteristics of inclusive language

Types of inclusive language

Helpful books, guides, and links

The best thing you can do to stay engaged and motivated in your D&I journey is to align yourself with people and organizations who passionately advocate for and educate on the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We’ve collected a few resources we’ve found helpful along the way, but the list certainly isn’t exhaustive.

  1. A Quick & Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns by Archie Bongiovanni and Tristan Jimerson.
  2. Building an Inclusive Organization by Stephen Frost and Raafi-Karim Alidina
  3. The Diversity Playbook by Hephzi Pemberton.

Acrolinx resources

German language resources

We acknowledge that not everyone speaks English as a first language, and that there are often very unique challenges to inclusive language in languages other than English. As Acrolinx is headquartered in Berlin, Germany, we decided to share some German language resources that may assist you to write more inclusively in German.

  1. Uni Hamburg
  2. Gewaltinfo aus Österreich
  3. Glossar – Neue Deutsche Medienmacher (empfohlen von Amnesty International)
  4. Uni Osnabrück
  5. Glossar des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge
  6. Uni Freiburg – Fokus auf gendergerechte Sprache

Inclusive language in more languages

Here’s an interesting article by Babbel, who are doing great work as an organization in navigating inclusive language in other languages.

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